Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 11:53 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 01:11

All English clubs will withdraw from the Super League, reports Sky Sports. Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool are following the example of Manchester City, which published a statement earlier on Tuesday evening. Of the clubs, only Chelsea has not yet confirmed the news. Arsenal apologizes and speaks of ‘a mistake’. According to Sky Italia the project is currently discontinued. Mundo Deportivo reports that the English clubs have received a significant amount of money from UEFA to turn their backs on the Super League. The Athletic reports that AC Milan is also withdrawing.

“As a result of listening to you and the wider football community in recent days, we are withdrawing from the proposed Super League,” Arsenal wrote in a tweet. “We made a mistake and we apologize for it.” The club has published an open letter to fans. In it, Arsenal writes that the past days have once again shown how strong the feelings of the fans are for the club and for football. “We didn’t need to be reminded of that, but the response from the supporters has given us time to reflect further and think deeply about it.”

“It was never our intention to cause so much dissatisfaction. But when the invitation to the Super League came, we didn’t want to be left behind and we wanted to protect the future of Arsenal, even though we knew there were no certainties. We know it will be time. costs to restore your confidence in what we are trying to achieve here at Arsenal, but let it be clear that the decision to enter the Super League was motivated by our desire to protect Arsenal, the club you love, and support the game you love through greater solidarity and financial stability. ”

“Stability is essential to football and we will continue to fight to make it happen. The system needs to be fixed. We need to work together to find solutions that will secure the future of the game. Finally, we know this situation was very troubling. at the end of a year that has been tremendous for everyone. Our goal is always to make the right decisions for this beautiful football club, and to protect the club for the future. We have not made the right decision here and recognize that we completely. “

The statements of the other clubs are a lot shorter. Manchester United and Liverpool have not made a mistake. “In recent days the club has heard delegates from various stakeholders, both internal and external, and we would like to thank them for their valuable contributions,” is all Liverpool writes. Manchester United writes: “We have listened carefully to the response from our fans, the UK government and other stakeholders. We will continue to work with others in the football world to find sustainable solutions to the long-term challenges facing football.”

Tottenham Hotspur also confirms the departure and comes with a response through chairman Daniel Levy. “We regret the turmoil caused by the Super League proposal. We felt it was important that our club participated in the development of a possible new structure that would better ensure Financial Fair Play and financial stability and significantly increase support for it. the wider football pyramid. We believe that we should never stand still and that the sport should constantly evaluate the leagues to ensure that the game we all love continues to evolve and excite fans. We want to thank all supporters who share their informed opinions have given.”