Monday, February 27, 2023 at 6:48 PM• Rian Rosendaal • Last update: 18:51

Ajax has managed to bind Skye Vink to the club. The team from Amsterdam reports on Monday that the only sixteen-year-old striker has signed an agreement that takes effect retroactively on December 1 last year and runs until the summer of 2025. Vink is the son of Marciano Vink, who played for Ajax for several years and is best known nowadays as an analyst for ESPN.

For Vink junior it is also his first professional contract as a player. The young and talented attacker joined Ajax’s youth academy in mid-2017. He currently plays in the Under 18 team, although the striker is recovering from a calf injury. Skye Vink now has nine youth international matches for the the Dutch to his name and the Ajax player scored two goals in those duels.

Marciano Vink spoke to The Telegraph about the development of his talented son. “Skye is doing well, but of course still has a long way to go. As a sixteen-year-old he moved up to the under eighteen. He was always in the back but has been turned into a striker. This week he played in the UEFA Youth League against Rangers.”

“Because he has always been in the back, he has a good overview and insight,” the analyst mentions the strengths in his son’s game. “He has a lot of eye for his fellow players. He might be a bit more selfish for a striker, but he just puts the balls down when someone is in a better position. I used to have that social feeling myself,” said the former midfielder, who played in played a total of 108 matches on behalf of Ajax.