Following Robert Eenhoorn, René Neelissen will also leave AZ, it writes Noordhollands Dagblad. Neelissen is chairman of the Supervisory Board and is considered an 'important strategist' within the club management.

It was written a day after the departure of general manager Eenhoorn Noordhollands Dagblad that AZ 'will lose a large part of the club management'. It is expected that Neelissen will also relinquish his duties this year.

While at AZ the credits often go to Eenhoorn and technical director Max Huiberts, it is Neelissen who is often praised for his knowledge and skills behind the scenes.

The chairman of the AZ Supervisory Board is seen as a guardian of culture and in the past worked as the right-hand man of then owner Dirk Scheringa. Neelissen himself is the owner of Nelson Schoenen, among others.

Neelissen himself was approached by Scheringa at the time for a role within the club. The two had a business relationship and were reunited at AZ. Neelissen held several positions at AZ.

Since 2010 he has been chairman of the Supervisory Board. He was also financial director and board member at the current number four in the Eredivisie.

In addition to his directorship at Nelson, Neelissen was director/founder of Atlas Professionals, which was sold to HAL Investments in October 2020.

On Monday, Neelissen responded to Eenhoorn's departure. “When Robert told us that he no longer felt the energy needed in this position, disappointment was of course at first, but soon also understanding for his choice,” he said.

Eenhoorn and Neelissen are not the only names to announce their departure from AZ. At the end of last year, Alex Kroes announced that he would be leaving to work at Ajax. Trainer Pascal Jansen was dismissed by the club management in mid-January.

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