Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 11:35• Last update: 11:53

There is a good chance that Jan Boskamp will not return as a dinner guest with the men of Veronica Inside. Johan Derksen, Wilfred Genee and René van der Gijp will stop the football talk show from January to make a daily talk show on SBS 6 from Monday to Friday. However, there seems to be no role for Boskamp in this, as Rick Romijn revealed on Wednesday morning. According to Genee’s sidekick on the radio show The Veronica Inside Morning Show Boskamp has been ‘served out’.

The necessary regular table guests have already been booked for the new daily show, including Özcan Akyol, Leonie ter Braak and the brother of Peter R. De Vries. Romijn reveals that there is no more room for Boskamp as a result. “I heard that,” says Romijn, sidekick of Wilfred Genee on Radio Veronica. “Can Jan Boskamp stay? Because I heard that Jan has been turned off,” he says again to Genee, who clearly hadn’t taken the words of his colleague into account. “Well, gosh, hey ..” Romijn: “That would be very stupid, because.”

“Yes, I completely agree with you, but I don’t find it very useful to talk about Jan Boskamp at the moment”, Genee responds visibly surprised to the subject. “That’s just not very convenient at the moment with private matters and so on. Shall we not do that for a while? We’ll talk about it another time.” Boskamp was a regular table guest for years with the men of Veronica Inside, but recently had to cancel due to sad private circumstances. Prior to the broadcast on November 12, Derksen said the following about this: “Jan has to deal with dramatic family circumstances. We will not go into detail, but you don’t wish that on anyone.”

VI says goodbye to regular table guest on the recommendation of Johan Derksen

At the end of November it was already announced that Hans Kraay junior will not return in the daily talk show.Read article

Genee denies that new regular dinner guests are being committed. “No one is really captured,” says the presenter. “A number of people will just sit down in January and then we will see whether it clicks or not. There are quite surprising names among them. I would also think Paul de Leeuw is a very good one and I do not rule that out.” At the end of November, Derksen already announced that Hans Kraay junior will not return to the program either. “Next year we have a program that consists of fifty percent football and fifty percent other subjects. With you, René and me at the table, that fifty percent of football is occupied. We need a specialist next to us for those other subjects.”

Genee, Derksen and Van der Gijp can be seen on SBS 6 from Monday to Friday from next calendar year. The program starts at 9.30 pm and lasts one hour. The threesome will stop at the end of the year with Veronica Inside, the talk show that can be seen every Monday and Friday. The intention is that VI Today, as the new talk show will be called, is about more than just football. There will also be regular guests who have no direct connection with football. In recent months, topics that were not related to football have been discussed more often. For example, political reporters regularly joined.