Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 4:03 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 16:21

ADO Den Haag is currently doing everything it can to get rid of the club owner, it writes Algemeen Dagblad Wednesday. The number seventeen of the Eredivisie is trying to force United Vansen to sell the shares that the company has in the club. The escalation is the result of major payment problems at ADO, due to the refusal of the major shareholder to meet a payment obligation of millions of euros.

Reported earlier on Wednesday Broadcaster West all that UVS refuses to comply with the payment obligation despite repeated requests from ADO. The money problems are so big in The Hague that it remains to be seen whether the salaries can be paid until the end of the season. The club is now doing everything it can to get rid of UVS as owner. Talks are underway between the Chinese company and another party about the sale of the shares. In the meantime, ADO has hired a lawyer, who has ordered UVS to come over with money. A new lawsuit between the parties is conceivable.

At the end of 2016, ADO and UVS already faced each other. A judge then ruled that the Chinese owner had to pay nearly 2.5 million to the club, guaranteeing ADO’s survival. This time only going to court is not the solution for ADO. The club does not think it can continue with UVS as owner, because the company cannot or does not want to comply with financial agreements made at the start of the season. UVS indicated to the KNVB that it would help the financially troubled ADO to get through the season, a crucial part in obtaining the license, but that help has not been provided to date. The agreement is that UVS will make an annual premium deposit in agreed terms. However, no euro has been transferred since the start of this season, he wrote Football International Wednesday already.

Earlier this winter, Chinese members of the Supervisory Board assured that the payments would be honored and UVS committed to an additional amount to strengthen the selection. A few months later, however, confidence at ADO has plummeted. “A realistic scenario is that a large proportion of the employees have to be fired,” it writes Algemeen Dagblad. The reason employees’ salaries can still be paid is that two major commercial deals were struck in the winter: a sponsorship deal with Hommerson Casinos and the establishment of a large vaccination center on the club’s grounds. However, a major financial injection is needed in the coming months.


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