Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 07:55• Last update: 08:08

Erling Braut Haaland went viral this week with a video in which he stacks three balls on top of each other and shoots them towards the intersection, shattering a cardboard sign. The video of the Borussia Dortmund striker caused amazement on the internet and has since been viewed millions of times. According to the General Newspaper the video has been tinkered with and the viewer is being fooled. “Before you start paying attention to the details, logical thinking is enough,” it sounds like.

The newspaper notes in an analysis that it is already impossible to stack two balls on top of each other, let alone a third. “But Haaland is Haaland. We also fail to score a hat-trick on a Bundesliga debut. Who can do that, can perhaps also stack balls? No, not at all.” The newspaper considers it implausible that the two balls remain on top of each other, while he kicks the top ball away with ‘devastating force’. “The pile would collapse from a breath of wind or from a car bouncing over a threshold a mile away.”

According to the newspaper, there are further hints that the video has been edited. This would clearly show that something is not right when the three balls are stacked on top of each other. “It’s a nice trick to drop the ball on the first try, but after that there’s something else that keeps the ball in place.” In the analysis, reference is made to the screenshot below, where the distance between the top two balls is ‘much smaller’ than the bottom two.

A third indication that the video would have been tinkered with, according to the AD a hitch at second 25 when Haaland shoots the second ball at goal. “When you play that moment on repeat a few times, you can see that it is not quite right.” Also, Haaland’s modest way of cheering is seen as a sign that something is not right.

The video of Haaland in question is not the first to cause a stir. The authenticity of the videos below is also doubted by many.


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