Lars Capiau

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Hans Kraay junior can't get enough of Jerdy Schouten. The analyst of ESPN once again praises the midfielder ahead of the Dutch team's match against Turkey (2-1 win).

Schouten has become an extremely reliable footballer for Oranje in a short time, says presenter Milan van Dongen. “Yes, Jesus,” Kraay junior agrees wholeheartedly with his table companion.

The analyst is critical of Feyenoord. Jerdy Schouten played in the youth at ADO Den Haag, and ended up at Bologna via Telstar and Excelsior. This season the controller swapped sunny Italy for PSV.

“I still find it unbelievable that Feyenoord, who could have picked up such a gem for next to nothing at Excelsior, let it escape,” Kraay junior expressed his surprise.

“Without tackling he wins balls, without heading he stays out of duels, balls between the lines,” the former footballer sums up Schouten’s strong points. “I am rather into the English newspapers, they rave about him.”

“Glenn Hoddle (former English top footballer and national coach, ed.) calls him the new Sergio Busquets,” Kraay junior continues. “He says: for me, the revelation of the tournament is Jerdy Schouten.”

After a year at PSV, the 27-year-old Schouten is regularly linked with a departure from the Philips Stadium. “He can play at the top for another eight years,” Kraay junior is adamant. “If he plays such a good match again, he's really gone.”

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