Mohamed Camara and his club AS Monaco should fear a severe punishment, French Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra said on Monday. The Malian midfielder placed an emblem against homophobia on his shirt on Sunday during the Ligue 1 match with Nantes (4-0) and refused to be photographed before the match.

Sunday was the day of the fight against homophobia in France. As a statement, the clubs played in Ligue 1 with a special emblem on the chest. There was also a photo session prior to the match between Monaco and Nantes.

Camara does not want to support the campaign against homophobia and decided to cover the emblem on his shirt with tape. He also refused to take part in the pre-match photo sessions.

The attitude of both Camara and Monaco has gone completely wrong with Oudéa-Castéra, as she made clear in conversation with the French RTL. She calls for heavy sanctions for both parties.

“I strongly disapprove of the behavior,” the minister said. “I believe that the behavior we saw yesterday in professional football should be punished as harshly as possible. Both the attitude of the player and that of the club, which allowed Camara to tape his shirt.”

Adi Hütter, coach of the Monegasques, also responded briefly to the situation on Sunday. “First of all, I would like to say that we as a club support the initiative of the competition.”

“And as for Camara: he decided this on his own initiative. An internal conversation about his decision and the whole situation will follow. That's all I want to say about it,” said Hütter.

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