Wilfred Genee expects that Johan Derksen could face a major problem if he actually refuses to take the mandatory online course on respectful collaboration for Talpa employees. Derksen said Tuesday evening during a broadcast of Today Inside know that they have no intention of doing 'this kind of nonsense'.

Genee already warned in the talk show that Derksen could possibly be suspended for two months and his salary will be withheld if he does not do the e-learning. Political reporter Merel Ek added that everyone at Talpa has received the invitation for the course and that it must be done before April 12.

In the online section In the Walkways the subject is brought up again. “Just kidding: if Johan doesn't do it, he has a serious problem. I think they will kick him out,” Genee says to Job Knoester in a serious tone.

The lawyer, who was a guest on Tuesday Today Inside, however, does not share Genee's fears. “I think it's not too bad and they don't do that. I think it was just a general email.”

Nevertheless, Genee noticed that Derksen became irritated when he learned that he is actually obliged to take a course in undesirable behavior.

The training was set up by the Media Pact Respectful Cooperation, a collaboration between various parties that was established after the abuses at The Voice of Holland.

The aim of the course is to combat undesirable behavior in Hilversum. More and more problems surrounding this subject are coming to light, not only at commercial channels, but also at public broadcasters.

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