Alex Kroes is postponing the appointment of a new director of football affairs at Ajax for the time being. In conversation with Ziggo Sports the general manager of Ajax has announced that he will take responsibility for player policy in the coming transfer period, although he will consult with various directors.

“Will there be a technical director before this summer? Look, at the moment all eyes are on me in that regard,” says Kroes. “That's just how it is. But I fully accept that responsibility. So I will take full responsibility for the upcoming transfer window.”

“I'm certainly not going to do it alone, and I can't. I really need different people for that. Players, balance, team, etc…. This is all done in consultation. My optimal structure does include a technical director.”

“Ultimately the trainer is also decisive, although he does not make the final decision,” Kroes continues. “The trainer is a very important sparring partner, because if the technical director brings in a player who is not drafted by the trainer, you are immediately destroying capital.”

“We have to ensure a better balance in the selection. We are still determining who should and should not stay. We are working on that. I'm talking to Kelvin de Lang and Marijn Beuker about this, John van 't Schip will be working on that in the near future, Louis van Gaal and Danny Blind will also be looking at it.”

“In the coming period we will discuss what the ideal selection looks like. How can Ajax win prizes? How can Ajax become champion? It won't all be arranged in one summer. We are going to work hard with everyone.”

Finally, Kroes tempers expectations for next season. “I have signed a three-year contract and I want to compete for the title during my period. I would love it if that was next year, but it's probably not realistic.”

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