Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 08:06• Last update: 08:10

Huub Stevens believes that Erik ten Hag should quickly provide clarity to the selection of Ajax about his impending departure. The coach is about to sign a four-year contract with Manchester United, but is hardly mentioned in the media. It has not yet been officially confirmed internally. According to Steven, Ten Hag’s silence only causes unrest within the club. “It’s not kindergarten, is it. Really, make it known to them as soon as you can.”

Everything indicates that Ten Hag will be at the helm of United for several years from next season. In the run-up to the cup final, English journalists gathered in the Johan Cruijff ArenA to question the Ajax coach, but Ten Hag did not agree. “They (the player group, ed.) know how it works. And as long as you do not provide clarity, something will remain dormant within the club. I do not know how Ajax is doing internally. But it is now clear that Ten Hag is going.” , said Stevens in the General Newspaper

“You have to seize the moment that as a coach you first inform your players and that in England at the same time United players are informed of the arrival of the new coach,” says Stevens. “I think that could have been done already. You can always take a small step. Just provide clarity. I think a group even respects that when that happens, instead of having to hear everything from the press. “Just when players feel that something is being concealed, they become restless. The longer you wait, the more unrest.”

Stevens is not afraid that Ajax’s performance will suffer from a possible announcement. “They know that they have to become champions. They cannot and must not hide. It is not a kindergarten class, is it. Really, make it known to them immediately, as soon as possible. And I think it will be better for Ten Hag too is when it’s out. Then it’s about that, he answers a few questions, but then he can also emphasize that he will not answer any further questions about United during the title race.”