Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 11:22 PM• Jeroen van Poppel

For Devin Plank, despite the hopeless cup elimination of his team Excelsior Maassluis visiting Ajax (9-0), the evening had a festive touch. The 20-year-old center forward has undergone chemotherapy and surgery for the past eight months after a malignant tumor was discovered in his fibula. He made his comeback as a substitute and received a guard of honor from the players of both teams. “Very beautiful”, said Plank shortly afterwards in front of the camera of ESPN.

Plank suddenly had to deal with calf complaints in February 2021. Initially it was thought to be a small fracture, but it turned out to be a malignant tumor. Heavy treatments and a long rehabilitation process followed, so on Thursday he was allowed to make his comeback through Excelsior Maassluis, which plays in the Second Division. “It was definitely a beautiful moment for me,” said Plank. “I’m glad I was able to come in for a while.”

That he was allowed to warm up did not immediately give Plank the signal that he would also come in. “We always have to warm up every five minutes. I thought: well, then I’m still a little warm. Before the game I thought I might get a few minutes. But during the game I thought it was going to be difficult because we had already made four substitutions.” Plank was remarkably sober under his return. “I think the emotions will come tomorrow,” said the . “I think the tension is still there. I am quite sober about it, indeed.” It was great for Plank that the players of Ajax also participated in the honorary hague. “Yes, it was a beautiful moment. What it does to me? Very beautiful. Yes, nice, haha.”

Plank is not yet where he wants to be in terms of fitness. “In the coming period I will train very hard, both in the gym and on the field. I am working on it every day to come back. I hope to get many minutes again as soon as possible.” A stunt was never in it for Excelsior Maassluis against Ajax. “Yes, I don’t know in how many minutes the first goal came (the tenth, ed.), but that hope was quickly gone,” admitted Plank. “But I think it was a nice game in itself.”