Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 09:03• Last update: 09:06

Heracles Almelo had a conversation with several supporter associations on Monday evening in response to the commotion that has arisen around the return of Rai Vloet. The midfielder was involved in a fatal accident in November while driving under the influence. Heracles nevertheless decided to let him train again last week. On Saturday evening he made his comeback in the away match against NEC (0-0). Supporters association Vak’74 writes in a response on Facebook that Heracles will reassess the situation.

Vloet’s return to the Almelo team comes much too soon, say Heracles supporters. On Saturday evening after the game in Nijmegen, dozens of fans gathered at Erve Asito to wait for the players bus. Vloet was not on the bus, he did not get on in Nijmegen. The fans talked to general manager Rob Toussaint, chairman Hans Bredewoud and trainer Frank Wormuth and demanded a meeting. That conversation took place on Monday evening, supporters association Vak’74 said in a joint statement on Facebook.

“We have just had a conversation with the board of Heracles with mutual respect in response to the situation that arose after last weekend”, write supporter groups Vak’74, Hart voor Heracles and LOCALS1903. “The same point of view has unambiguously been put forward from all supporter associations. This is known to the board and speaks for itself. The board of Heracles has indicated that it will reassess the earlier decision and will come back to this with us this week. We have unanimously decided this decides to wait and see what the follow-up actions are.”

The decision by Heracles and Wormuth to bring Vloet back to the group has gone badly for the hard core, who lashed out at their own club in a statement prior to the duel with NEC. “To our great shock, it appears that Rai Vloet has been selected for the away match in Nijmegen, despite all the disgusting details and reporting on this topic last week. We as Vak’74 have demanded a meeting with the club next Monday, because this is possible and we should never accept. Disgraceful, disgusting and totally unacceptable!!!”, Vak’74 wrote in clear terms on Facebook.

Jan Smit is also shocked by the commotion around Vloet. The honorary chairman was associated with the Almelo club for nineteen years. The current situation is close to his heart, he says in conversation with The Telegraph. “It pains me that the club is in the news like this,” says Smit, who just retired as KNVB chairman. When asked whether Smit supports Heracles’ chosen approach, he leaves little to despair. “You should judge for yourself whether this would have happened under me. Then I say nothing, but at the same time enough.”