Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 11:23 PM• Mart van Mourik

Wesley Sneijder is short of words to describe Steven Berghuis’ game. According to the analyst, the attacker played his best game ever against Borussia Dortmund (4-0 win). During the review, presenter Humberto Tan knows during the review RTL7 to report that Berghuis had a passing accuracy of no less than one hundred percent in the first half, as 26 of the 26 passes were successfully delivered.

“What was the difference with Dortmund today? There was actually a difference in all areas,” Sneijder explains. “Ajax always won the second ball in midfield. They were also close to their opponent and you could see the enormous will to win at Ajax. And in the break I already said that Berghuis was very important in that. He kept speeding up the game. He hasn’t lost a ball in the first half, and he lost one in the second half. He speeds up the game by hitting the ball once, and that was the difference tonight. Ajax was much better.”

During the break, Sneijder was already full of praise for Berghuis, who played number ten. “He is the best man on the field. He is always in the right position. He keeps getting between the lines, and when he gets the ball he speeds up the game from one side to the other. He plays really great. It’s just really enjoyable,” the analyst said halfway through.

“Before half-time, Berghuis was the only one on the field with a passing accuracy of one hundred percent,” says Humberto Tan. “He made 26 passes and 26 of them were good. He also created four chances for a teammate in that first half.” Sneijder: “That too: creating something extra. It’s not just a tad wide and a tad back, because it’s almost all forward. It all seems very simple, but sometimes simplicity is very difficult. Was this one of the best matches I’ve seen from Berghuis? Yes, the best match. Of course.”