Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 09:32• Yanick Vos

Daley Blind is talking to Planet Health extensively discussed the period when he was sidelined with a heart muscle infection. In 2019, he collapsed in the Champions League match against Valencia. Examination showed that he was dealing with an inflamed heart muscle. He was put on an internal defibrillator and was sidelined for several months. In the interview, the the Dutch international tells what this difficult period has done to him.

Blind says that the heart muscle inflammation came raw on his roof. “It’s not something you talk about with friends when you go out for a night, so to speak. Let alone if you do a lot of sports, live a healthy life and are still relatively young,” Blind answers when asked why he is now sharing his story. “Then it’s best to suddenly experience it yourself. I hope that by telling my story and through more campaigns in the future, young people will realize that healthy living and taking care of your heart is important.”

After the game against Valencia on December 10, 2019, Blind had to take a rest. During that time he spent a lot of time with his family. “That was the only thing that was very pleasant. Furthermore, I just felt good physically,” said Blind, who, in his own words, has done everything to be able to play football again as soon as possible. “I was not afraid of that. It may sound crazy, but the mental had to wait a little while. Speaking of which, I may not have had time to really process it for myself. I just wanted to play football again as soon as possible. Maybe that’s why I unconsciously wanted to step over fear.”

The heart problems have made Blind think. He says that since then he has started to pay even more attention to his diet and thinks more about his sleep. If he knows that he has to make a heavy physical effort the next day, he is more conscious about it than before. “I used to think that I could get through a workout without breakfast. That is true – and I could still do that – but I don’t feel comfortable with that anymore. Now I always make sure that I do certain rituals before I exert myself and that I get the right nutrients. The same goes for the right night’s sleep. That is not a temporary trajectory; it’s a change in my lifestyle.”

Blind worked on his return as he and his wife just had their first child. “Conversations with her, my parents and friends; that comes hard of course. I can generally eliminate emotions well, but I’m not so emotionless that it doesn’t affect me,” said Blind, who indicates that he has had a lot of support from those around him to return to the field as soon as possible. “No one has tried to stop me or ask certain questions that made me doubt.”

In the summer of last year, the 31-year-old Blind suddenly went to the ground in the eightieth friendly against Hertha BSC without an opponent nearby. His defibrillator had gone off. When the caretakers reached him, Blind got up and was able to walk down the field himself. A few weeks later, he rejoined the selection of Erik ten Hag. Since then, Blind has had no more problems and is a fixed value at Ajax and in the Dutch national team.