Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 10:13 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 22:17

Feyenoord distances itself from anti-gay people who were scratched at the COC office in Rotterdam in the night from Saturday to Sunday. The texts include the abbreviation RJK, presumably a reference to the Rotterdam Youth Core, part of Feyenoord’s supporters. According to Arjan Beune, chairman of COC Rotterdam, the action is apparently related to the establishment of the Roze Kameraden, an LGBTI supporters’ association of Feyenoord. A large number of LGBTI organizations have now sent a fire letter to Feyenoord about the matter, it reports General Newspaper.

Last month a fire was set at a gym in Rotterdam, which is run by the chairman of the Pink Comrades. The outside of the building on Brielselaan was also defaced with anti-LGBTI slogans. At the time, COC Nederland, an interest group for LGBT people, called on Feyenoord to stand ‘squarely’ behind the Pink Comrades. According to Beune, the texts this time correspond to those of last month. “We have always supported the Pink Comrades,” he says. “Probably that is why we are now victims. It is quite a coincidence that this happens a few weeks after the gym was daubed. There seems to be a relationship.” On Sunday morning, COC reported vandalism, discrimination and insult. .

Feyenoord distances itself from the statements in a response. “We have also repeatedly called for this kind of disgusting business to stop. We also think this is terrible, but as a club we can of course not prevent this,” a spokesperson said. RTV Rijnmond. The club says it is not involved in the police investigation. “We also have no idea who the miscreants are who do this and therefore also not to what extent they really have a relationship with the club, for example in the form of a season ticket. If it becomes known who they are – and we sincerely hope so – then as far as we’re concerned, they qualify for a stadium ban.”

A large number of LGBTI organizations have expressed their concern about the developments in a letter to Feyenoord. The signatories invite the KNVB, Feyenoord and the municipality of Rotterdam to strongly condemn the ‘worrying developments’, it sounds like. “Any form of discrimination is unworthy of any sport. Pink, rainbow colors and the red and white of Feyenoord can go well together if we wish.” Beune emphasizes opposite RTV Rijnmond that he still fully supports the establishment of the Pink Comrades. “We will soon have to really talk to the clubs and the municipality about how we should deal with this, because it is not just about Feyenoord.”


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