Friday, August 20, 2021 at 3:04 PM• Yanick Vos • Last update: 15:19

On Friday, outgoing minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Health) issued a clear warning to the KNVB, football clubs and supporters. According to De Jonge, if fans do not sit properly in their seats next weekend, this may be a reason to tighten up the measures again. De Jonge conveyed this message together with Ferd Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) in a conversation with the KNVB.

The outgoing cabinet wants football clubs to better ensure that the rules are complied with. “It should be better this coming weekend than it was the past weekends”, De Jonge refers to about the full boxes in the stadiums and the jumping and partying fans. “If people do not just sit, and the stadiums are not filled for a maximum of two thirds, that may be a reason to tighten the measures again.”

Last weekend, a third of the sections in various stadiums were not in use and the remaining two thirds were full. That has to change, according to De Jonge. “Placed must be really placed,” he emphasizes. “If you all clump together, that’s not the case.” De Jonge hopes that intervention will not be necessary. “We don’t want that. We just want to be able to enjoy beautiful things again, such as football.”

More soon.

Voetbalzone is the official media partner of the Kitchen Champion Division

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