Monday, August 16, 2021 at 11:48

Wilfred Genee can be seen again on Monday evening as a presenter of Veronica Inside, Talpa confirms The presentation of the program De Oranjezomer was taken over by Hélène Hendriks in the last few weeks. Genee had to deal with deeply sad family news during his vacation, making it unclear whether he would be present at the kick-off of the new season of Veronica Inside.

Johan Derksen told De Oranjezomer at the beginning of this month that Genee’s mother had fallen down the stairs and became unconscious. Genee’s father thought she had died, had a heart attack and died. “I told him: take your rest, because this is cutting it. It can hardly be more dramatic. And on the other hand, I said: from my own experience, if something like this happens to you, I know that work is the best therapy. But you can’t advise someone on that, because only Wilfred knows how he feels. And when he comes, he is most welcome. If he stays away for a week or fourteen days, we understand that too,” Derksen said in a video of The Telegraph. The analyst’s first wife died after falling down the stairs. He himself was also out of circulation for a while in 2019 after a fall from the stairs.

Hendriks took over from Genee, which she would do during his vacation anyway. The the Dutch Summer broke viewing figures records with Hendriks as a presenter. “We sat down there and nobody knew we were there, we built it up slowly. Wilfred has done 88 or 87 broadcasts, I believe. He built it up slowly: Hélène came in a made bed and she did a fantastic job. But the horny behavior towards Hélène, that she had done so fantastically and that she took care of the viewing figures… No, Hélène was a very inexperienced presenter and we all pulled it through, that she enjoyed herself felt comfortable. She did a fantastic job, but Wilfred laid the foundation and built everything up.”

Derksen would therefore not take it if Genee would now be pushed aside. “Wilfred has been doing this program for years. It is not the case that if your father dies, so that you cannot present for a few days, that your successor does well and that you are then pushed aside. The world doesn’t work like that, Van der Gijp and I wouldn’t accept that either. I did say: I also think Hélène is very good at the table. Hélène is very nice, she is very open-hearted. I can’t deny that it is also important these days that you have a woman at the table. It would be even better if there was someone with a tan, but we haven’t found him yet.”

Normally, the last season of Veronica Inside starts on Monday in its current composition. Derksen, Genee and Van der Gijp are in their last contract year with Veronica. Derksen previously announced that he would stop his television work in 2022. “I’ve been doing the same trick for 24 years, but it’s going to disappoint me,” Derksen said in an interview with the General Newspaper. “I catch myself that it goes more and more on autopilot.”


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