Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 16:01• Last update: 16:05

A return of Eljero Elia to ADO Den Haag is not yet on the agenda, trainer Ruud Brood has told Broadcasting West. The attacker is currently without a club after his contract with FC Utrecht was dissolved in good consultation last week. Since then, Elia’s name has been associated with ADO, but there is currently no question of a return to the Hofstad.

Brood was asked by the regional broadcaster on Thursday about the rumors about Elia. “There is nothing that can be done offensively at the moment”, Brood explains the situation of the ailing club. “I can tell you that I have six agents a day on my voicemail and a lot of players. I also know that those names are singing around. Players even come with it, because they are friends of each other. But I don’t start there. We want are very focused. If we take people on an internship or trial, it must have a certain goal, since we don’t have all the resources.”

With ‘those names’ Brood refers, among other things, to Elia and Randy Wolters. The latter signed a contract for one season with the Greek Xanthi FC in October and is therefore also clubless. “I also read the stories about Elijah, but I can’t say anything about that now,” Brood continues. “That is not yet the case.” The 34-year-old Elia still had a continuous contract with FC Utrecht until the summer of 2022, but the Domstedelingen announced on Friday through the official channels that both parties have decided to split up in mutual consultation.

This is not the first time that Elia’s name has been linked to ADO. The same happened last year, but Utrecht turned out to have better papers. His name is also regularly associated with FC Twente, where he was under contract in the past. Elia wore the shirt of ADO Den Haag between 2004 and 2007, where he made his debut in professional football against FC Groningen. Relegation to the first division and some conflicts with Lex Schoenmaker, however, led to the winger leaving ADO in the summer of 2007 for FC Twente.

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