Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 11:00 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 23:13

Wesley Sneijder is deeply impressed by Armando Obispo’s performance. The 22-year-old defender made his Champions League debut against Midtjylland (3-0), as Olivier Boscagli was not part of the match selection due to a suspension. Before the game, Sneijder expressed his doubts about the choice of trainer Roger Schmidt to give Obispo a basic place, but in the review on RTL7, the analyst lacks superlatives to describe the defender’s performance.

During the preview of the European duel, the role of André Ramalho was discussed. Both analyst Jan Boskamp and Sneijder were very positive about the center defender, who, according to the 134-time the Dutch international, is ‘responsible’ for the fact that Obispo and not Nick Viergever was allowed to start. “Ramalho is the reason Schmidt dares to start with Obispo. It is the first game of the diptych and the interests are high, so you don’t just take such a risk,” said Sneijder prior to the game.

After the match won by PSV, Sneijder is asked about Obispo’s performance, after which the analyst praises the right back. “How Obispo looked today? Well he looked very good. That boy had to show it today, because it is a huge platform, the Champions League. But it was as if he had been playing with that team for years. It was also very good playing football. He always looks forward, plays the free men between the lines and the game is daring. He takes risks, but he just always gets it right. He’s just standing there and he’s aggressive in the tackles. I really enjoyed Obispo”, concludes Sneijder.

In the return match against Galatasaray, Boscagli, who has been central in the defense in recent weeks, received two yellow cards. On Monday at the press conference leading up to the meeting, Schmidt discussed the matter and did not specify who would replace the suspended Frenchman. “We have suitable alternatives for that, with Nick Viergever and Armando Obispo. They both deserve to play,” said the selector.