Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 3:35 PM• Yanick Vos • Last update: 15:41

Danny Makkelie received a lot of criticism on Wednesday evening because of a penalty he gave to England in extra time in the semi-final of the European Championship against Denmark (2-1). Former Swiss top referee Urs Meier believes the Dutch referee made a mistake by putting the ball on the spot at Wembley after Raheem Sterling went to the ground in the penalty area after contacting Danish defender Joakim Maehle.

Just before the end of the first half of extra time, Sterling went to the ground. Makkelie did not hesitate and pointed directly to the dot. The replay showed that the Manchester City attacker was hit by Maehle. “Sterling was looking for contact. It was clearly much too light for a penalty kick,” Meier said in conversation with Goal and SPOX. “I was surprised when Makkelie pointed to the dot. At the time I thought maybe there had been contact, but I had missed it. The replay in slow motion confirmed my first impression: nothing happened that required him to give a penalty.”

The former referee, who whistled at the 1998 and 2002 World Cup, among other things, is also critical of Pol van Boekel, the VAR during the semi-finals. Kevin Blom was Van Boekel’s assistant. “I expected VAR to correct the decision. I find it really incomprehensible that he didn’t at least send the referee to the screen to check the situation,” said Meier. “The VAR should have asked what the referee had seen. If Makkelie had explained that he had observed a kick from Maehle, the VAR should have said there was only light contact. Then it would have been logical for Makkelie to look at it again. I think, in hindsight, he would have liked to watch it again.”

Just before Sterling went to the ground in the penalty area, a second ball hit the field. “Makkelie could have made it much easier for himself if he had whistled. Nobody would have criticized that,” said Meier. “But personally I wouldn’t have done that either. I don’t think you should constantly interrupt the game because of a second ball in the field, as long as it doesn’t interfere with play. In my opinion the game was not hindered, all the players were focused on the right ball.”

Meier doesn’t think it’s fair if Makkelie is judged on a penalty kick given too easily. “He has whistled excellently for four games and everyone has reduced their performance to this one moment. It is as if a keeper lets a tenable ball through after not conceding a goal for a thousand minutes. That’s not correct, but that’s the way it is today. Makkelie can proudly go home, but that one situation will hurt him and continue to haunt him. He has to go through that.”

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