Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 13:59• Rian Rosendaal • Last update: 14:04

Willem van Hanegem believes that Feyenoord should say goodbye to Nicolai Jörgensen as soon as possible. According to the analyst, the Danish striker, who is no longer used by trainer Arne Slot, is far too busy with a departure from Rotterdam. Van Hanegem believes that as a player you should proudly wear the Feyenoord shirt. “That club is the most beautiful thing there is.”

“Jörgensen earns 1.7 million euros and it looks like if clubs do not want to pay the transfer fee in the coming weeks, it will be shake hands becomes and gone. And it provides Feyenoord with 1.7 million euros. What do you think of that?” asks Hans Kraay junior from ESPN to Van Hanegem. “I would do it soon”, answers The Curve in a cynical way. “You sometimes see people with such a cargo bike? Put it in such a container and drive it to the airport.”

Van Hanegem doesn’t mind Feyenoorder: ‘It makes you sick to death’

The analyst was recently scathing about the Feyenoord striker.Read article

“Isn’t that true, Hans? You have to feel at that club with your feelings, that club is the most beautiful thing there is”, Van Hanegem continues. “Because despite the fact that they don’t play very well, it is still the most beautiful club there is. Only a lot of people don’t realize that. That boy (Jörgensen, ed.) wants to leave, well okay, you can’t stop him. Just like Steven Berghuis, then you should not start nagging and whining, because then you only get that bullshit that they will scold and do all kinds of crazy things.

Van Hanegem thinks it is a good thing that Slot has banned Jörgensen and the retired coach hopes that Dick Advocaat’s successor will have time in De Kuip to transfer his football vision to the group of players. “Let the trainer do his best for one or two years in the hope that it will be very fun and attractive football. That may well be in it.”