Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 11:25 PM• Last update: 23:27

Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp are not pleased with the documentary ‘With both legs’ about the intensive recovery process of Memphis Depay, which was broadcast on BNNVARA on Sunday evening. Derksen found the documentary ‘very tiring’ and ‘very annoying’, while René van der Gijp in the program The the Dutch Summer from SBS6 to have become ‘very uncomfortable’ from the images.

“I found it very tiring, very annoying. It’s kind of a rapper act. From: the whole world is against me and I have a nice Rolls Royce”, Derksen opens when the documentary about Depay is mentioned. Documentary maker Jessica Villerius followed Depay’s rehabilitation after he suffered a cruciate ligament injury in December 2019. “The TV I was watching made me very uncomfortable,” Van der Gijp adds. “Look, what you give such a boy is just a nice wife and two children. I think it would do him good.”

“He blows everything up, his mother blows everything up. ‘Memphis is a strong person’, it is all made bigger as it is. If you soon have a nice wife and two nice children and you are on the beach in Mallorca, that is nice and cozy”, continues Van der Gijp. “He also says things that I think: if a four-year-old says it, it’s not that bad. But if a 28-year-old man says it and really gives you the idea that he is giving you something. That is not good.”

“I have a different opinion”, says Hans Kraay junior, who is also present. “A very large part of that documentary is about the first weeks or days after he tore his cruciate ligament. He finds it very heavy and that is also very heavy, but I did not like that the most. There are people who have it much harder than someone who tears off his cruciate ligament. In addition, I do think, unlike Johan and René, that he is much nicer and sweeter and much more insecure than arrogant. That can be very close. I do have a soft spot for him.”

“I had an opinion about that boy”, Derksen subsequently admits. “I’ve never met him, but I follow him. He is a good football player. This documentary fully confirms that opinion. I get very tired of the stories who all had a difficult childhood, they are allowed to behave strangely all their life. He’s not the only one who had a somewhat problematic childhood, is he?”

“I spent an hour and a half watching a somewhat annoying act of a guy who thinks he should act like this because he’s a role model for everyone. Very immature behavior, you do that as a fourteen-year-old,” Derksen continues. “I think a certain category of youth thinks he is a tough boy, because they look at the watch, the car and where he lives. That makes quite an impression on young people. But I think people with a little more life experience have watched this documentary with a shake of their heads and that includes us.”

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