Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 7:26 PM

The supporters of NAC Breda are furious about the departure of Ton Lokhoff. The club icon decided to resign on Wednesday as a result of an internal power struggle, in which the technical director who only took up his position two and a half months ago faced trainer Maurice Steijn and general director Mattijs Manders. In a joint statement, the supporters of NAC let it be known that ‘appropriate actions’ will follow if Steijn has not left before Saturday, June 19 at 23:59.

Steijn and Lokhoff have been diametrically opposed in recent times. It eventually made Lokhoff decide to resign with immediate effect, while he had only been employed since 1 April. “Before the news was brought out by NAC, we were updated with a number of sections about the state of affairs surrounding Ton’s resignation. We do not agree with the decision-making process and the consequences attached to it. We therefore believe that it is unsaleable that a situation was created in which Ton Lokhoff was forced into a position in which he could do nothing but resign himself”, write the supporters groups Stichting Breda Loco’s, Fr0nt 076, Stichting vak G and the Supporters Association. in a joint statement.

“That should have been better and we do not want and cannot accept this as sections. NAC and a club icon have been harmed here,” the statement continues. Earlier, the supporters of NAC already started a petition to have Lokhoff return. “We think it’s very naive to think that a broken relationship can still be made. We would indeed have liked it to be different and that both gentlemen could get through the same door together, but in practice this turned out not to be the case. Where two fight, in our view, two are to blame. The situation as it has now arisen, after Ton left, is not a tenable situation in our view.”

“We cannot accept that Maurice Steijn will remain as a trainer,” the supporters write. The supervisory board decided that it had to be over and that Steijn had to stay in the saddle, after which Lokhoff decided to resign. “If he does stay put, this will escalate further at the start of the season and we will be even further from home. An untenable situation. That is why we call on NAC to put things in order. We probably won’t get Ton back with it, but Maurice still needs to be shown the door in our view. That is the only way to save the coming season. Start with a clean slate! That is why we give an ultimatum at this NAC: Maurice Steijn left before 23:59 on Saturday. If not, appropriate actions will follow from our side.”

Voetbalzone is the official media partner of the Kitchen Champion Division

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