Monday, May 24, 2021 at 8:48 AM

Willem van Hanegem thinks it is great that Dick Advocaat left the field in tears after the match between Feyenoord and FC Utrecht (2-0) on Sunday. After 41 years, the 73-trainer coached the last match in his coaching career in De Kuip. “That’s how he is and he doesn’t have to hide it at all. Not for anyone. I can also become emotional myself, but Dick’s tears always came earlier ”, writes Van Hanegem in his column in the Algemeen Dagblad.

Van Hanegem is of the opinion that the Lawyer at Feyenoord ‘played too much not to lose’. “I really think there is a bit more quality in Feyenoord than he suggested. On the other hand, he has had enormous bad luck because Feyenoord without an audience is like playing with one man less. That has cost points ”, says the former international. Van Hanegem points out that Lawyer was not an ‘adventurous trainer’.

Pierre van Hooijdonk calls him Old Skool. He had to analyze more with video images. Can’t others do that? Nowadays there are so many people walking around the technical staff ”, says Van Hanegem. “Dick was also upset because Leonne Stentler had indicated that Dick no longer knew when he had to play against two strikers. I thought that was strange about her, I thought that Stentler often said sensible things. But at the table on talk shows they all drive each other crazy to shout something striking. Lawyer has been a trainer for over forty years and was a player for many years. ”

“Of course he knows exactly how to play against one, two, three or four strikers”, Van Hanegem continues. He emphasizes that Lawyer is ‘just careful’. “If you find that he preferred to lean back rather than move forward, then you are right. But that Old Skool and not knowing how to play against two strikers, that makes no sense. Yes, Advocaat will still miss football. But also the other way around. ”


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