Monday, May 3, 2021 at 9:49 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 22:02

Johan Derksen hit hard on Monday evening at Pierre van Hooijdonk. In Veronica Inside the analyst addresses the comments of the former Feyenoord attacker, who the day before was again very critical of Dick Advocaat. Derksen does not agree with the criticism at all and takes Van Hooijdonk through the mud.

The analyst first opens the attack on ‘pussy table tennis player’ Arno Vermeulen, who claimed on Monday that it is not true that Lawyer declined an invitation to work at the NOS due to the presence of Van Hooijdonk. The chief football of the broadcaster thinks that Lawyer should apologize. “I don’t believe that they can withstand defeats and setbacks at Studio Voetbal. Dick is going to sit somewhere else and the world is suddenly too small ”, continues Derksen, who says Lawyer is ‘absolutely right’ not to join Studio Voetbal. The trainer of Feyenoord will join VI Oranje on Veronica.

“When that hypocritical Van Hooijdonk was a player, he always terrorized the dressing room. He has always tried to kill and piss off those young boys. Only Robin van Persie was sorry about him and he found that very annoying. Moreover, he has been systematically pissing off Dick all year long. He is said to be a dated trainer and someone who does not take the data specialist seriously. Well, Van Hooijdonk is just a spokesperson for the data specialist. ”

Vermeulen wants an apology from Lawyer to Van Hooijdonk: ‘It is not true’

Arno Vermeulen responded to Dick Advocaat’s statement on Monday.Read article

“Dick just did an excellent job,” Derksen continues. “Van Hooijdonk has a number of rancorous people within Feyenoord who think he should put it on the table at Studio Voetbal, and he does that every week faithfully. It’s just a really nasty, spiteful, annoying, underhanded bastard. ” René van der Gijp fully agrees with the words of his colleague and cynically says that Lawyer ‘really must apologize’.

“Do you know what is also so false about Pierre?” Derksen then wonders aloud. “He is so unjust. He says Dick would burn his players. Well I don’t think so at all. I think he is still quite nuanced after competitions. For example, he had little player material and then he got three strikers in his aim, all of whom did nothing. Those Feyenoord players must be happy that the trainer wants to continue with them, and not the other way around. So it is not at all the case that those players are turned off on Dick ”, the analyst concludes, who is supported by Jan Boskamp. “Of course he was just screwed that he had to sit on the couch with ‘Dickie’ and was never allowed to participate”, the former trainer concludes.