Monday, May 3, 2021 at 9:04 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 21:10

Following on from politicians such as Deputy Prime Minister Hugo de Jonge and Minister of Justice Ferd Grapperhaus, Johan Derksen also criticized Ajax’s championship party on Monday. The analyst of Veronica Inside believes that Ajax should have done more to prevent a gathering of supporters. During the match, the municipality of Amsterdam had called on fans not to come to the stadium, but after the championship match, the players and trainers were cheered on by approximately twelve thousand supporters from a parking deck of the Johan Cruijff Arena.

The fans did not adhere to the corona rules and were packed together to cheer, sing and light fireworks. Trainer Erik ten Hag said afterwards that the situation would have been ‘more controllable’ if fans had been allowed in the stands. Grapperhaus called this statement ‘very strange’ and De Jonge indicated that it ‘is no justification to let go of the rules and make it a party outside’. Derksen has also been ‘disturbed’ by the massive violations of the corona rules.

“My driver Sandra was operated on for esophageal cancer last year. Now a man from the University Hospital in Groningen, where she had surgery, says on the radio that there are so many covid patients from the west who are being treated in the north that esophageal cancer operations are being postponed. Heart operations are being postponed because they are only dealing with covid patients “, Derksen sums up. “Those 1,200 who are civil disobedient there have no understanding whatsoever for the situation and well-being of the whole country. It is actually criminal what they are doing.”

“I don’t want to be so difficult about those supporters, who are guided by gut feelings. But that Ajax, Van der Sar, the trainer and the board allow that and play the game … They say they couldn’t get away from it, but you They could get out of it very well. Then they would have made a good turn for the Netherlands. And now score cheaply. Really cheaply “, says Derksen, who was not convinced by Ten Hag’s criticism of the corona policy in the Netherlands. The trainer called the policy ‘inimitable for the man with the cap’ and noted, for example, that the RIVM disputed the usefulness of mouth masks for a long time before they became mandatory in public indoor spaces.

“This buffoon should not overestimate himself now because he has become champion with Ajax. He has done well, but he better not elaborate on this problem, because then he really only says stupid things. There is only one thing that counts. and that is the occupation of the IC in the hospitals. That is decisive. The trainer of Ajax thinks that he is Our Lord, but he is not. That he is very intelligent is not evident from this speech “, said Derksen. “When he sees those twelve thousand people, wouldn’t he think for a moment of: boys, this is irresponsible? He did not create that impression at all and that says everything about Ten Hag.”

“I predicted here on Friday evening that things would also go wrong in the city center. You knew this would happen. We are all having a hard time in this country, not just the Ajax supporters”, emphasizes Derksen. René van der Gijp says that the images from Amsterdam become ‘very sad’. “I think it is really serious. I have a friend (Casper van Eijck, ed.) Who has not operated on at Erasmus MC for three weeks. And he will not operate for the next three weeks either, because there are still 850 covid patients. in the ICU (825 according to the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution, ed.). But you know what it is: it is just ready. You can’t stop this anymore. “