Monday, May 3, 2021 at 8:28 AM• Yanick Vos

Dick Advocaat did not rule out an early departure from Feyenoord on Sunday after the 3-2 defeat against ADO Den Haag. After the loss, the trainer of the team from Rotterdam announced that he was putting his fate in the hands of the group of players. Willem van Hanegem is of the opinion that Lawyer can best keep the honor to himself. The former player writes in his column for it Algemeen Dagblad that he would know if he were in Attorney’s chair.

Lawyer looked upset after the defeat against ADO. “I am ultimately responsible for the team,” he said ESPN. “I saw a team this afternoon that had absolutely no faith in it. A team that prevents 0-1, gives away the lead to ADO, and after that I don’t see a team anymore … No football, no experience, no battle. It was not a match. I wonder: why is that because of me? If so, then that is the easiest. They have to do it especially for Feyenoord. That deserves everyone who works very hard at the club. see, with players who earn top salaries, I am ashamed of that. “

“I saw Dick Advocaat sitting and I thought: don’t you enjoy this anymore?”, Van Hanegem writes in his column. “Feyenoord has played quite a few nice matches this season, but what I saw against ADO was really sad. The question was asked afterwards whether the players no longer want to do it for the trainer. That could happen, even if you mainly play for the club. Lawyer is from my generation. He fooled himself as a player for ninety minutes. And he still expects that from his players. ” Feyenoord still took the lead against ADO via Róberg Bozeník, but faced a 3-1 deficit after an hour of play. Substitute Nicolai Jörgensen still signed for the connection goal, but Feyenoord did not get further than that.

According to Van Hanegem, it does not work in the football world today as he and Advocaat used to. “I understand his comment that players with top salaries just have to accelerate, whether they are angry or disappointed or want to leave or I know a lot. But I get the idea that there are players who don’t want to anymore. ” According to Van Hanegem, there are several players at Feyenoord who are ‘fine’ if they do not have to play against national champions Ajax next Sunday. Van Hanegem will not let go of which players he thinks it is. Jens Toornstra and Steven Berghuis are certainly not there against Ajax. The pair have been suspended.

“That’s why I say: if I were a Lawyer, I would have known and been gone. Because appearing worse than against ADO is simply not possible ”, says Van Hanegem. Should Lawyer stay with Feyenoord, he will have to prepare for the play-offs for European football. Feyenoord is in fifth place, five points behind number four Vitesse. The home game against Ajax awaits next Sunday at 2.30 p.m., after which the competition will close with matches against Heracles Almelo (away) and RKC Waalwijk (home).