Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 2:43 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 14:48

Dick Advocaat does not rule out that he will leave Feyenoord prematurely and thus end his coaching career. The trainer saw his team lose 3-2 to ADO Den Haag on Sunday and afterwards looked despondent in an interview with ESPN. Lawyer did not have a good word for his players: they all fell through the basket, he judged. In the coming week, probably on Monday, a meeting seems to be taking place in which the confidence question can be discussed.

“I am ultimately responsible for the team”, Lawyer realizes. “I saw a team this afternoon that had absolutely no faith in it. A team that prevents 0-1, gives away the lead to ADO, and after that I don’t see a team anymore … No football, no experience, no battle. It was not a match. I wonder: why is that because of me? If so, then that is the easiest. They have to do it especially for Feyenoord. That deserves everyone who works very hard at the club. see, with players who earn top salaries, I am ashamed of that. “

Feyenoord’s dressing room remained closed for quite a long time after the game, but the most difficult conversation will follow. “They can come back tomorrow. Then we can see if we can get together. If they can’t deliver what they have to yield, we really have a big problem”, the trainer knows. “If I can’t get the team better, and they don’t believe in me anymore, then the choice is difficult. I’ll do it for Feyenoord. I’ll do whatever is best for Feyenoord. Feyenoord has to get European football, it’s that simple.” If I get the feeling from the player group that I am not the right man for that, then I just have to make a choice. “

“This is the first time I’ve seen it so badly. I have some ideas for myself, which I can’t tell you about the causes,” said Advocaat. “It’s the end of the season. Players have expiring contracts, talk about new contracts … They don’t play any better, I think. I haven’t seen one good player in the entire team. The battle is tomorrow: have you got it?” trust or not? I warned that if you don’t finish fourth, you have to finish fifth, because then you’ll play two home games in the playoffs. If you don’t notice, and are busy with other things, I taste and feel that, like money, et cetera, then you get these kinds of matches. “

“Maybe I should draft other players and not draft the players who are working on contracts, et cetera. In any case, I choose in the interest of Feyenoord and not in the interest of the players,” Advocaat made clear. “If they indicate that it is better for Feyenoord that … Then I will choose Feyenoord. I will not throw in the towel if I feel that it is not necessary and it was an off-day. But it was it. whole team. There was no battle. ” Eric Botteghin has an expiring contract at Feyenoord. Furthermore, mercenaries Uros Spajic and Lucas Pratto are probably working on their last weeks in Rotterdam. In November it became clear that the club is in talks with Marcos Senesi about a new contract. Talks allegedly took place with Róbert Bozeník last month.