Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 8:58 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 20:59

Sofiane Boussaadia, better known as rapper Boef, made an informal offer for ADO Den Haag on Tuesday. On his Instagram Story, the 27-year-old artist responds to the news that ADO would be for sale for 4.75 million euros. “I am offering 2 million @adodenhaag”, is the message to the club. Reported earlier in the day The Telegraph about the ‘very worrisome’ financial situation at ADO.

The news is striking, as Boef also announced at the end of January that he had the ambition to one day buy a football club. “A longer term goal for me is a football club, man. It seems really lukewarm to just have my own football club. I know a lot which club in the Netherlands. If possible AZ or something. I just buy AZ. I pump in a little money and put players to work ”, that was the rapper’s words at the time. Exactly three months later, the news about the dire situation at ADO Boef has not escaped.

Boef’s Instagram Story.

The players and other staff of the Hofstad club have been told that the salaries of May and June cannot be paid. In concrete terms, this threatens the bankruptcy of ADO, which in that case will be returned to the Third Division. The court in The Hague ruled on Monday that the Chinese owners United Vansen (UVS) must transfer an amount of two million euros to ADO. UVS should, through the so-called liquidity guarantee, guarantee the deficits of ADO, which currently amount to approximately two million euros.

The judge considered it plausible that there was indeed an agreement and that UVS had been negligent by allowing several periods to expire. That does not mean, however, that ADO will actually expect this amount. UVS can still appeal the ruling and that would delay things by weeks, while it was indicated at an earlier stage that it is currently prohibited to transfer money from China to Europe. Further reported The Telegraph that ADO currently has to cost seven million euros – of which an advance of two million euros to complete the current season – in contradiction with the message, which mentions an amount of 4.5 million euros, to which Boef responded.


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