Monday, April 26, 2021 at 2:06 PM• Rian Rosendaal • Last update: 14:06

Ronald de Boer is not necessarily against a Super League, as long as it benefits football. However, if money is the only motivation, then the analyst will drop out. De Boer is also of the opinion that his old employers Rangers and Ajax should also be involved in the plans for a new European top competition. Both clubs did not belong to the founding fathers of the Super League.

However, the Super League should not completely replace the Champions League, according to De Boer in an interview with the Daily Record. “I would have become really angry if the Champions League would have become a lot less interesting because of this. That competition would therefore not be the same for clubs I played for, such as Ajax and Rangers.” The former player does not think that the initiators of the Super League have rushed to work with their ambitious plans. “Those people are not retarded. They were well aware of the risks involved.”

To add a side note: “A club like Ajax has won the Champions League four times, but they would not have played in the Super League. Who makes such decisions? And why was Tottenham Hotspur admitted? we are all too good: that club plays in the Premier League and is a big player on the Asian market. Nevertheless, we should not close our eyes to the fact that Ajax and Rangers are big clubs. And there are even more clubs in Europe that can sometimes make it very difficult for the top clubs. However, those clubs have been pushed aside and that is not fair “, De Boer mourns.

De Boer explains once again what makes the Champions League so beautiful for him. “Even small clubs can qualify and be linked to Barcelona. Then they face Lionel Messi, which is very special for those clubs. Something like that becomes an important part of club history and the supporters have the opportunity to compete with the best players in the world. See the work. You only encounter such emotions in football, it is also a sense of pride. The Super League is only for the very rich and that is just not good. The ugly side of football, with greedy billionaires as owners, came out clearly last week. They wanted to break free and just leave the rest behind. “

For De Boer, it is particularly incomprehensible that Barcelona and Real Madrid, with a combined debt of between 800 and 900 million euros, joined the Super League. “They wanted to get rid of their debts this way. They are two of the biggest clubs in the world, but financially they are not among the top. And I am also not in favor of Real trying to take over David Alaba. from Bayern Munich. He has an expiring contract, but I don’t think he can be picked up for free. The same goes for Barcelona and Mempis Depay. There is also a price tag. Barcelona is also heavily in debt, but they just keep spending money. Every year they take out a new mortgage on the stadium. If you work like this in normal life at a company, the government intervenes. It’s cheating, it just boils down to “, says De Boer.