Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 13:35• Mart Oude Nijeweeme • Last update: 13:35

Aad de Mos is open to a return to ADO Den Haag, the former trainer told Thursday in conversation with Radio Veronica. The analyst has been approached several times in the past for a return to the club where he was a player and trainer, but it has not yet come to a return. De Mos will only think about a possible return if the club gets a different owner. At the moment ADO is still owned by United Vansen.

On Thursday morning, De Mos confirmed that he had been approached by ADO for various positions in the past. “They have already asked me a few times,” said De Mos. “First as a trainer with Kees Jansma, then to do something for the youth. Well, I had already confirmed that with Jan-Hermen de Bruijn (journalist, ed.) And he never heard from again, until a week or two ago. Then he called me to apologize. Let’s try first to see if the club still exists in two months when we have a new owner. “

After a modest playing career at ADO and Excelsior, De Mos started a successful career as a trainer. He does not rule out a return to ADO. “ADO is in my heart. The door is always open for ADO. But at the moment I am not talking to anyone. I have distanced myself from this group”, De Mos refers to the current club management. ADO is currently owned by United Vansen, a Chinese owner. It was recently announced that the club has reached an agreement with Cosinus Group Capital Partners, a company based in Zurich, Switzerland.

At the end of March, it was also announced that United Vansen owner Wang Hui may go to prison. The Chinese is said to have gotten himself into trouble because of his close ties to the Communist Party in China. Should Wang end up selling ADO at a loss, he reportedly runs the risk of jail time, reported Follow The Money, a platform for investigative journalism,


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