Sunday, October 25, 2020 at

Huub Stevens worked at VfB Stuttgart in the 2014/15 season together with Timo Baumgartl. The 24-year-old center-back left those Swabians in the summer of 2019 for PSV, which paid him ten million euros. In the program Good morning Eredivisie from FOX Sports Stevens and Hans Kraay junior discuss whether Baumgartl is ‘too slow’.

“Have you ever thought: that’s one for whom ten million euros is paid?”, Kraay junior opens when Baumgartl comes up. Stevens worked at VfB Stuttgart between 2014 and 2015, where he was assisted by Adrie Koster. The coach, who has since stopped, answers in the affirmative to the first question from Kraay junior. “Has he become less? Has he slowed down? ”The analyst then asks Stevens. He states that Baumgartl should ‘play differently’ at PSV.

Presenter Milan van Dongen asks whether Baumgartl also played with a lot of space in his back at VfB Stuttgart. “Also, but less than he has to do now. He didn’t always play either ”, Stevens replies. Baumgartl played twenty official matches under the reign of Stevens. “He was still very young”, Koster says. He also points to Daniel Schwaab, who also played for VfB Stuttgart and PSV. “I have to say that Schwaab was not always a basic player with us either.”

“We think they are far too slow, or they are both too slow in Eindhoven”, Kraay junior responds. Stevens disagrees. Baumgartl is not that slow. He may not be that quick in his movement. The turning ability. He is really not slow at a long distance, believe me ”, emphasizes the former international. Kraay junior asks whether they should not write off Baumgartl at PSV. “They have to know that for themselves. I wouldn’t write it off. Teze is faster, so I can imagine Schmidt would choose him. Because you have to play against that middle line to give pressure. ”


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