Monday, September 21, 2020 at

Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb of Rotterdam sent a letter to Feyenoord on Monday demanding that the club take more measures to prevent the spread of corona virus. On Sunday afternoon there was a stir because, among others, at Feyenoord – FC Twente there was insufficient distance by supporters of the Rotterdam club.

Supporters in De Kuip did not adhere to all corona rules on Sunday: many fans did not wear a face mask and on the ground floor, the stands closest to the field, were not always kept one and a half meters away, despite the fact that fans were addressed. The scenes led to a storm of criticism, including from Prime Minister Mark Rutte. “You just shouldn’t do it. It’s very stupid, because that way we can’t get the virus under control. Today the numbers are also rising again”, Rutte responded RTL News on the situation in the Dutch stadiums last weekend. The prime minister reacted harshly when he was asked whether it can be arranged in stadiums to silence supporters. “Yeah, just shut up when you’re there. Just watch the game and don’t shout. That’s possible.”

Feyenoord reacted almost immediately to Rutte’s harsh words and left it to it Algemeen Dagblad know that it will do even more to comply with all corona rules. “Feyenoord understands the prime minister’s frustration about the rising figures. All football clubs share them, because we are also really hit hard by the pandemic,” said a spokesman. Feyenoord emphasized that the club ‘last weekend almost 400 (according to RTV Rijmond 380, ed.) Had to guide the people, remind them of the rules and speak to them when they were not followed ‘.

However, that is not enough for Aboutaleb: the mayor of Rotterdam has made a tough demand to the club that another 25 security guards must be added to De Kuip, who specifically check that keeping a distance of a meter and a half in De Kuip, reports RTV Rijnmond. Aboutaleb threatens to take drastic measures if the supporters still do not comply with the rules and then expressly considers not allowing an audience at home games of Feyenoord, it sounds.


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